Residents Of 650 Homes In "Alternative Accommodation"

24 June 2017, 10:39 | Updated: 24 June 2017, 13:14

Thousands of people have been displaced after the evacuation of four tower blocks in North London over safety concerns. But, some residents are refusing to move.

Some residents have told LBC reporter Vincent McAviney the evacuation is "an overreaction" and that they "won't move".

Two rest centres are housing a large number of residents. Camden Council says they "have been provided with somewhere to sleep, food, drink and support.

"Many others were provided with hotel accommodation."

Resident Adelina, who lives on the 15th floor of Burnham tower with three children, says she's felt nervous since the Grenfell fire. She was at the leisure centre until 3am. She then returned to her flat because they wanted to "send her far away".

She says she will move once they find her somewhere less disruptive for schools.

Several security guards were patrolling the area this morning as a number of other families left with suitcases.

Cladding Panel Removed
One of the panels at Burnham Tower removed for testing. Picture: LBC

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: "London Fire Brigade have been working at the Chalcots Estate with Camden Council. Following extensive joint visits and inspections the Brigade advised that there were a number of fire safety issues in the buildings and recommended that residents should not remain in the buildings until these issues are resolved.

"Camden Council have acted on this by evacuating and providing the residents with alternative accommodation so that remedial works can go ahead as quickly as possible."