NHS England Medical Director Professor Stephen Powis in self-isolation

18 November 2020, 11:28 | Updated: 18 November 2020, 11:32

Prof Powis spoke at a No10 briefing from self-isolation at home
Prof Powis spoke at a No10 briefing from self-isolation at home. Picture: No10

By Asher McShane

Medical Director of NHS England Professor Stephen Powis is self-isolating after a "member of his household" tested positive for coronavirus.

Dr Powis spoke at a No10 briefing via Zoom after being told to stay at home in self-isolation.

He told the briefing he was asymptomatic and feeling fine but was going to stay at home and complete his period of self-isolation.

"I'm completely asymptomatic and perfectly fine," he said.

Prof Powis added: "I am on Zoom today, I can't join you in Downing Street and that's because a member of my household recently tested positive for covid and on the instructions from Test and Trace I am self-isolating.

"I should say I am completely asymptomatic and perfectly fine but I will be staying at home until I have completed my period of isolation."

Dr Susan Hopkins told the briefing that Sage scientific advice indicated that "for every day that we release (measures) we will need two days of tighter restrictions".

"So, coming into Christmas we need to be very careful about the number of contacts that we have, to reduce transmission before Christmas and get our cases as low as possible.

"Hopefully the Government will make the decision that will allow us to have some mixing, but we will wait and see what that is.

"Then, I think, once we have got past the Christmas period if there has been a release and some socialisation we will all have to be very responsible and reduce those contacts again."

This story is being updated