Mystery appearance of 'dead husband' in curry house promo video solved as diner in question poses for new photo

31 January 2023, 00:51

The man who Lucy Watson said was her widow has posed for a new photo
The man who Lucy Watson said was her widow has posed for a new photo. Picture: Facebook
Kieran Kelly

By Kieran Kelly

A diner who was mistaken for the late husband of a widow claiming to have seen him in a new promo video for a curry house has put all rumours to rest after posing for a new photo tonight.

Lucy Watson claims to have spotted her late husband in a new promotional video for Spice Cottage curry house and has said she's in 'no doubt' the man in the video is her husband.

The restaurant immediately refuted her claims, saying that the footage had been shot in early January, which Ms Watson said was not possible as it contained her husband, who died in 2014.

The restaurant, Spice Cottage, insisted the footage could not be old as it featured its new refurb, which was only completed several weeks ago.

Now, all doubts have been put to rest as the diner who Ms Watson thought was her husband has posed for a new photo inside the curry house.

Retired IT manager Alan Harding told MailOnline: "I guess I am the ghost. It is just unbelievable how many people from around the world have read about this.

"I had not idea until a friend of mine called to say he head read about the ghost diner and thought it looked like me.‘I saw the video and of course recognised myself and my friend Kevin Parsons. It is all quite funny, but I am definitely very much alive."

The diner in question is not Ms Watson's husband
The diner in question is not Ms Watson's husband. Picture: Spice Cottage/Facebook

In a statement posted online tonight, the restaurant said: "Aloo Everyone!

"We have a ghee mattar we would like to close.

"The photo below is our customer that was captured in one of our recent promo video.

"We can confirm he is not Lucy’s husband.

"As much as we wish our curries bring people out of kormas, unfortunately this was not the case.

"Our video has spread through all corners of the world, and it has been a pleasure of meeting the customers who have cumin this week!

"If you are ever in the village of Westbourne, please pop in, theres never a dhall moment in our restaurant."

New year, new mood! ✨ For the last few weeks, we’ve been working hard to make our dining experience even more...

Posted by Spice Cottage on Monday, January 16, 2023

Ms Watson previously said she noticed that one of the customers bore marked resemblance to her late husband - despite the fact he died nine years ago.

Enquiring as to the date the footage was shot, she wrote: "How old is the footage? My late husband and his son are on the first shot and he died in 2014??"

The mystery became even more engrossing when Spice Cottage replied: "Hi Lucy, sorry to hear this. This footage was recorded last week."

"The moment I saw the thing I thought "Oh my God – that's Harry," said Ms Watson."It was so instant. I didn't even have to think. He'd be eating a chicken korma because that's all he ever ate."

Spice Cottage
Spice Cottage. Picture: Google Maps

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Ms Watson dismissed "ridiculous conspiracy theories", adding that the comment made by the restaurant was obviously to defend the use of old footage in a bid "to generate customers".

"I just thought 'That's an old video'. I posted asking how old the footage was," added Ms Watson."I was only asking out of interest – then it all went crazy.

"It annoyed me when they sent a message back saying it was filmed last week. It can't have been."

The published footage of diners tucking into their meals for an advertisement on its Facebook page, with her apparently now deceased husband delving into a chicken korma.