On the Christmas list: ‘Awful’ wonky festive tree slammed by locals in Cambridgeshire town

24 November 2023, 13:55

Leaning tower of tree-sa: The Christmas tree in March, Cambridgeshire
Leaning tower of tree-sa: The Christmas tree in March, Cambridgeshire. Picture: Facebook

By Asher McShane

A Cambridgeshire town’s wonky Christmas tree has been criticised by residents.

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The tree, in the town of March, went up earlier this month but residents said it was ‘plonked down without much care’ after it was seen listing over to one side.

One resident simply said: “This looks awful” while another said it looks “ridiculous”.

The tree was put up by volunteers.

The volunteer group who put up the tree admitted that reception was 'mixed', but said they had been advised that the tree is 'as straight as its going to be'.

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One person posted on a local residents’ Facebook group: “I love Christmas trees but to be totally honest this looks like it’s been plinked down without much care. It looks like the branches at the bottom need sorting out.”

“If a job is worth doing it should be done properly.”

 Another said: “It does look a bit ridiculous to be fair. Maybe they're planning on straightening it before the lights switch on.”

Sarah Lemmon, the town clerk at March Town Council said the tree is 'beautiful' and compared it to Italy's famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

Speaking to Cambridgeshire Live, she said critics of the tree were trying to 'kill the spirit of Christmas'.

Some other were more supportive with one person posting on Facebook: "Does anyone else think it’s beautiful? It has character!"