Mothers relive the heartbreak of losing their sons for police knife crime campaign

8 April 2021, 08:10 | Updated: 8 April 2021, 10:57

Mothers relive heartbreaking calls made after the deaths of their sons

Ewan Quayle

By Ewan Quayle

Five mothers have relived the hardest phone calls they had to make after their sons were stabbed to death, in a bid to urge Londoners to speak up about knife crime.

They shared their heartbreaking stories as part of a Metropolitan Police campaign aimed at inspiring women whose close relatives may be involved in knife crime to report information.

The Hard Calls Save Lives campaign, launched on Thursday, features short films of the mothers' stories alongside adverts on radio, websites and social media, targeting people in areas affected by violent crime.

Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick said she hopes their "tragic accounts" will encourage people to call the Crimestoppers charity, anonymously.

"We understand this is a difficult thing to ask - but you don't have to name names and even a small piece of information could be vital.

"Making that one call could literally save the life of someone's son or daughter."

Becky Beston recalled how she rang about getting her son's body embalmed after his murder
Becky Beston recalled how she rang about getting her son's body embalmed after his murder. Picture: Metropolitan Police
Archie Beston was 19 when he was stabbed to death in Kingston in February 2020 on a night out with friends
Archie Beston was 19 when he was stabbed to death in Kingston in February 2020 on a night out with friends. Picture: Metropolitan Police

The campaign is particularly aimed at inspiring women - mothers, sisters, aunts - whose children, siblings, nephews or nieces may be on the fringes of knife crime to make a report if they know someone who carries a knife or where a weapon has been hidden.

Becky Beston, whose son Archie Beston was 19 when he was stabbed to death in Kingston in February 2020 on a night out with friends, told how she had to call a stranger about getting him embalmed.

"You should never have to use those words with your son's name. Ever," she said.

"If somebody would have made that phone call, my Arch would be here now."

Archie, 19, saw a van being deliberately driven towards a 19-year-old man, before a passenger got out and brutally attacked him with a knife.

He was taken to hospital by the London Ambulance Service but died six days later.

Lorraine Jones relived a heartbreaking call she made after her son was stabbed to death
Lorraine Jones relived a heartbreaking call she made after her son was stabbed to death. Picture: Metropolitan Police

Lorraine Jones, whose son Dwayne Simpson was stabbed to death at the age of 20 as he tried to save a friend's life in Brixton in 2014, said: "I'd just come back from a busy day when the door rang.

"It was one of Dwayne's friends. He said, 'Dwayne's been stabbed, come quick!' It was like I was in another world. I felt lost.

"I had to call my mum. It was the hardest call - I was out of breath and my stomach was tight.

"Even when I was making a call my hands were shaking. I tried it three times, I was just so helpless and weak.

"I had 20 wonderful years with him, and really good memories. But I didn't realise the impact he had until he passed away."

Lillian Serunkuma relived a call with her Aunty after her son was knifed to death outside his school gates
Lillian Serunkuma relived a call with her Aunty after her son was knifed to death outside his school gates. Picture: Metropolitan Police
Quamari Serunkuma-Barnes, 15, was knifed to death outside his school gates in 2017
Quamari Serunkuma-Barnes, 15, was knifed to death outside his school gates in 2017. Picture: Metropolitan Police

Lillian Serunkuma, whose 15-year-old son Quamari Serunkuma-Barnes was knifed to death outside his school gates in 2017, recalled calling her aunt to let her know he had been stabbed.

"She just screamed. That was the hardest thing about that day," she said.

"It can be hard to make the call to say someone is involved in knife crime, especially if it's someone you know or love. But it's so much harder if you don't.

"It's almost as bad to lose a child or a friend to prison as it is to lose them if they're killed. Either way, they're going to suffer as a result of knife crime."

Quamari, a huge Bob Marley fan, was buried with a framed picture of the musician and three airline tickets from a family holiday to Jamaica he had taken in 2015, when he visited Marley’s mausoleum.

Yvonne Lawson recalled how she rang her sister after being told her son had died
Yvonne Lawson recalled how she rang her sister after being told her son had died. Picture: Metropolitan Police
Godwin Lawson, 19, was stabbed to death in 2010 as he tried to help friends
Godwin Lawson, 19, was stabbed to death in 2010 as he tried to help friends. Picture: Metropolitan Police

Yvonne Lawson, whose 17-year-old son, Godwin, was stabbed to death in 2010, said she rang her sister after she was told he had died.

She said: "I just kept repeating 'died, died, died'. Godwin was stolen away from us in such a terrible way.

"My family is broken into pieces, just missing him. We didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, and he's never going to be there, he's never going to be part of us anymore.

"The least we can do is use his memory to change lives."

Godwin, a promising footballer, was stabbed to death in March 2010 as he tried to help childhood friends being attacked in Stamford Hill, east London.

Jean Foster recalled her attempts to ring her son after being told he had been murdered
Jean Foster recalled her attempts to ring her son after being told he had been murdered. Picture: Metropolitan Police
Christopher Foster, 34, was stabbed to death outside a London pub in 2010
Christopher Foster, 34, was stabbed to death outside a London pub in 2010. Picture: Metropolitan Police

Jean Foster, whose son Christopher Foster, 34, was stabbed to death outside a London pub in 2010, said: "They told me Christopher had been murdered.

"We called nine or 10 times. Slowly, we came to the realisation that he was never going to call back.

"People may think that keeping quiet keeps you out of their focus, but it empowers them. No one is safe if we keep quiet."

Dame Cressida praised the "strength and courage" of the mothers "who have relived the traumatic calls they had to make in hope that it will prevent other families suffering as they have".

Crimestoppers chief executive Mark Hallas added: "Hearing the mums speak in such an honest, frank and heartfelt way about losing a son to knife crime is incredibly humbling.

"I truly admire their courage and determination to warn others in their own words about the danger of not speaking up."

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online here.