World's loneliest homes: Five of the most isolated houses including tiny cottage buried in Scottish Highlands

7 April 2023, 11:44 | Updated: 7 April 2023, 11:46

One of the world's loneliest homes is buried in the Scottish highlands (L)
One of the world's loneliest homes is buried in the Scottish highlands (L). Picture: Getty/Alamy
Kieran Kelly

By Kieran Kelly

Could you live in a tiny house tucked away miles deep into the Scottish highlands, or in a tiny, remote island in New York?

While it is normal to crave a getaway trip to an isolated part of the world where nowhere will find you, some properties take it to the next level.

Whether on a piece of land dubbed 'Just Room Enough Island' or being partly a natural cave, here are some of the world's most isolated homes.

San Colombano hermitage - Italy

San Colombano hermitage, Italy
San Colombano hermitage, Italy. Picture: Getty

Not only is San Colombano hermitage one of the most isolated homes in the world, it is also one of the most unique.

Positioned on a cliff edge, this property is located in Leno Valley of Trento Province, northern Italy, right next to lake Lago di San Colombano, the Mirror reports.

The building itself is partly a natural cave, as it is actually excavated into the rock.

It has been hanging 400ft from the ground since the eight century, it is believed, making it incredibly old as well as unique.

Ria d’Etel - France

Ria d’Etel, France
Ria d’Etel, France. Picture: Getty

This tiny white home sits on the Nichtarguer islet along the banks of the Ria d’Etel in Brittany.

Sitting on a tiny island, it is surrounded by turquoise and green waters.

Just Enough Room island - New York, US

Just Enough Room Island, NYC
Just Enough Room Island, NYC. Picture: Alamy

This house is located on such a small, remote island, which has been dubbed 'Just Enough Room Island'.

Actually called Hub Island, it's located in New York City, offering the perfect antidote to the hustle and bustle of the city.

It exists within the 'Thousands Islands' chain in NYC, which was reportedly bought by a rich family who wanted to by holiday home 80-odd years ago.

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Island of Elliðae - Iceland

This home is often named the 'World's Loneliest House'
This home is often named the 'World's Loneliest House'. Picture: Getty

Elliðaey, part of the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago south of Iceland, has been completely deserted since the last residents left nearly 100 years ago.

It's believed families who lived on the island relied on fishing and hunting to get by, and is often given the unofficial nickname of the "World’s Loneliest House".

In fact, it's thought that the inside isn't really much of a "home", but rather a hunting lodge.

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Glencoe - Scotland

This house is buried miles deep into the Scottish highlands
This house is buried miles deep into the Scottish highlands. Picture: Getty

The Scottish Highlands is known for its vast landscapes, making it the perfect place for an isolated house.

That includes this tiny white house, which is buried in Glencoe, flanked by huge mountains and swathes of grass.