Moment family ‘did runner’ from pub after costly three course meal, as they lied saying they’d return to pay after smoke

20 June 2023, 14:20 | Updated: 20 June 2023, 17:09

The Fisherman's Arms allege the family looked at the bill, left for a cigarette and didn't return.
The Fisherman's Arms allege the family looked at the bill, left for a cigarette and didn't return. Picture: Twitter

By Jenny Medlicott

A family racked up a bill totalling £215 at a gastropub on Father’s Day before they allegedly ‘did a runner’ without paying.

The Fisherman’s Arms shared CCTV footage of a family they allege visited their pub on Sunday for Father’s Day, ordering a full meal, before fleeing without paying the bill which amounted to a hefty £215.

Posting online, the pub said: ”Anyone know who these people are? Just did a runner without paying, 2 went out the front door and 2 out the back !!!”

Lucy, the manager of the gastropub based in Newlyn, Cornwall, said the group who allegedly fled was made up of two men, two women and two children.

According to the pub’s twitter account, some members of the family said they were going for a cigarette but instead “did one” and never returned.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Lucy said: “They came in, racked up a huge bill and walked out. They had lots of cocktails, food, starters, mains and pudding.

"While two of them were talking to bar staff, two walked out and never came back. The second two to walk out said they were going for a cigarette and lo and behold they all left.

“They did have a look at the bill. They said they would have a cigarette while they waited for their other halves and then come and pay it. The two women walked out first and then the two guys.”

Lucy shut down the possibility that the family may have forgotten to return and pay the bill.

An image of the family that allegedly left without paying.
An image of the family that allegedly left without paying. Picture: Twitter

She added: “I have worked in this industry for 14 years and it's never happened to me before. It's just quite disappointing – we only opened seven months ago.

“We would love it if they came back in and paid, but I don't know if it's going to happen. We also want other businesses to be aware so that no one else gets stung.

“We are getting a lot of people messaging saying sorry this has happened – because it's a small village it has caused a bit of a stir.”

Although the incident has been reported to police, there have been no updates yet.

Devon and Cornwall Police said in a statement: “Police are aware of an incident where it is alleged that a group of people left The Fisherman's Arms in Newlyn without paying their bill, late afternoon on Sunday 18 June. Enquiries continue into this matter.

“Anyone with any information that could assist the police is asked to contact 101 quoting case reference 50230172827.”