Labour MP: Theresa May Should Be Next To Quit Over Windrush Scandal

30 April 2018, 07:46 | Updated: 30 April 2018, 07:48

Labour MP Naz Shah says Theresa May follow Amber Rudd and resign over her role in the Windrush scandal.

The Home Secretary quit last night after admitting she had "inadvertently misled" parliament over her claims there were no immigrant removal targets.

But Ms Shah, a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said the Prime Minister, who was Home Secretary for six years before Ms Rudd, should also take responsibility for causing the scandal.

Ian Collins spoke to Labour MP Naz Shah
Ian Collins spoke to Labour MP Naz Shah. Picture: LBC / PA

She said: "This is indicative of the failure under the previous Home Secretary. There is a culture of cuts, there is a culture of pandering to the populist narrative when it came to setting a net migration target which is not evidence based.

"I think the Prime Minister has questions to answer. Parliament and the people of this country have an absolute right to know.

"Diane Abbott questioned the Prime Minister when she was Home Secretary back in 2014 about Windrush and the Prime Minister did not take notice of it.

"She needs to explain herself. It's only right that the Prime Minister takes responsibility.

"This did not start with Amber Rudd. The Prime Minister started the ball rolling. Unfortunately, Amber did not stop it."