Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
30 May 2019, 13:05 | Updated: 28 October 2019, 15:21
A video shows the unexpected consequences a pair of would-be bank robbers faced when trying to make a getaway after a bank robbery.
The video, posted on social media titled "Bank Robbery Gone Wrong" appears to show police using a controversial policing tactic called "tactical contact" designed to prevent escape by fleeing criminals.
The video starts with surveillance footage of a motorbike outside an RBS branch, when a masked man rushes out carrying two large bags and jumps on a motorbike.
As an accomplice rides up officers from the Flying Squad strike. From nowhere an Audi car rams into the two riders and dozens of plain-clothes police officers spill out.
The suspects attempt to flee but officers armed with tasers and batons subdue the two men.
Tactical Contact has been used most recently by London's Metropolitan Police to subdue and stop moped thieves.