Four in 10 ‘could cope for three months if they had a financial shock’

17 May 2021, 09:34

A piggy bank on a pile of coins
Pocket money – stock. Picture: PA

Nearly six in 10 people are now focusing on becoming debt-free, Lloyds Bank said.

Four in 10 (42%) people have enough of a savings buffer to cope for three months if they suffered a financial shock, according to a survey.

This has increased from around a third (34%) who said this in 2020, Lloyds Bank found.

Nearly six in 10 (59%) people are focusing on becoming debt-free, rising to 70% of 18 to 24-year-olds, according to the research.

Across all ages, 57% of women feel on track to meet their future financial needs compared with 64% of men.

Stephen Noakes, managing director, retail transformation at Lloyds Bank, said: “While the pandemic may have cast some uncertainty over our finances, it is encouraging that this has focused people’s attention on saving, becoming debt-free and reprioritising how their money is spent.”

More than 2,700 Lloyds Banking Group customers were surveyed.

By Press Association