Cones, clamped vehicles and freight movements: Key numbers from post-Brexit Kent

11 February 2021, 11:44

Lorries queue for the frontier control area at the Port of Dover in Kent
Brexit. Picture: PA

The PA news agency takes a look at some of the key numbers around cross-Channel trade through Kent.

Around 6,000 lorries a day are passing through Kent and out to Europe via Dover, despite concerns that thousands are empty when they do.

The countdown to Christmas – and the UK’s departure from the single market on December 31 – was marked by huge queues of HGVs as companies sought to stockpile key goods.

There were fears that similar scenes would play out in the first weeks of 2021, but this has not yet come to pass.

Lorries queuing at the Port of Dover in Kent in December
Lorries queuing at the Port of Dover in Kent in December (Gareth Fuller/PA)

With border policy and issues frequently in the news at the moment, the PA news agency takes a look at some of the key numbers around cross-Channel trade through Kent.

– Around 200,000 – the number of Covid-19 tests on HGV drivers that have been carried out in Kent in preparation for cross-Channel journeys.

– More than 6,000 – the number of lorries leaving the country via the Port of Dover each day.

– 65-70% – the percentage of trailers coming into the UK that are going back to Europe empty, according to the Road Haulage Association.

– More than 200,000 – freight movements across Eurotunnel and the Port of Dover during January, including both import and export traffic.

– 6,000 – approximate number of traffic cones used.

– 600 – number of traffic management signs installed by Highways England.

– 12.3 miles – length of the Operation Brock moveable barrier, made up of 19,563 individual blocks.

– 27 – number of police forces contributing officers in support of Kent Police in their efforts to keep traffic flow moving.

– 690 – approximate number of vehicles clamped by Kent County Council enforcement officers as they try to keep roads free of obstructions.

By Press Association