Hopeful travellers charge up private jet cards ahead of restrictions lifting

21 April 2021, 11:24

Coronavirus – Mon March 8, 2021
Rich prepare to reboard private jets. Picture: PA

Travel restrictions might be eased from next month.

The rich are preparing for a summer of international travel by charging up their private jet travel cards, according to one of the industry’s big players.

Air Partner said new UK customers have added £750,000 worth of deposits to their so-called JetCards with the company in February and March.

It also saw a 15% rise in sales and renewals of JetCards year-on-year, the company said on Wednesday. However, this figure is when compared to February and March 2020, when Covid-19 had already started to weigh on international travel.

In the US, sales and renewals were up 54%, and deposits from new customers rose more than five-fold, to £300,000.

“The US private jet market is one vast, domestic market so it has not been subject to the types of restrictions and national lockdowns that we have seen in the UK and Europe,” Air Partner chief executive Mark Briffa said.

“As a result, the skies have remained open and we have seen sustained private leisure flying from high-net-worth individuals in the region.”

He said it was “no surprise” that the demand continued in February and March with significant deposits for travel in the future.

“In a very encouraging sign, this has also been the case in the UK as confidence returns to this market ahead of the anticipated easing of restrictions.”

JetCard customers charge their cards with flying hours and are able to book a private jet with just one day’s notice using the hours on their card.

“The pandemic has really shone a light on the benefits of our JetCard product: for those who are able to reserve private flying hours in advance, it offers unparalleled flexibility and access to a private jet at very short notice,” Mr Briffa said.

“This means it is proving very popular among customers who want to know they can travel easily and safely when lockdown restrictions lift.”

The Government is set to make an announcement soon on whether it will allow international holidays to start again next month.

By Press Association