Big Issue launches appeal to support its vendors

5 January 2022, 00:04

Lord Bird with Big Issue vendors
Big Issue founder’s appeal. Picture: PA

Ongoing restrictions, severe weather warnings and predictions of large-scale absenteeism at workplaces will all affect the magazine, says its founder.

The Big Issue has launched an appeal for the public to help its vendors as they face ongoing restrictions, severe weather warnings and predictions of large-scale absenteeism at workplaces.

The magazine’s founder, Lord Bird, said there are “challenging times” ahead for the organisation and its 1,800-strong vendor network.

He said: “January is always a difficult time, but with continued restrictions in place, meaning many people are still working from home, coupled with the Government warning that we may see up to a quarter of workers being off work due to high Covid levels in the population, our vendors urgently need support.”

Lord Bird urged people to buy the Big Issue from a local vendor, take out a subscription, or donate to the magazine’s Winter Appeal.

He added: “Big Issue vendors can’t work from home and, with severe weather warnings on the cards, they face a very tough and uncertain winter.”

By Press Association