Kellogg’s offers staff Friday afternoons off as part of culture of flexibility

12 May 2022, 12:44

Kellogg's staff leaving early
Kellogg’s staff have been offered Friday afternoons off (Kellogg’s/PA). Picture: PA

Office-based employees can finish work from 12pm on a Friday provided they have completed their week’s hours.

Food giant Kellogg’s is encouraging its staff to take a break from their screens by offering Friday afternoons off work.

The firm’s summer hours scheme, launched 19 years ago, runs from May to September, offering office-based employees the chance to finish work from 12pm on a Friday, or on a weekday of their choice for field sales teams, provided they have completed a full week’s hours.

The company also has meeting-free Friday afternoons which it says has encouraged a culture of flexibility.

Kellogg’s UK employs more than 400 employees at its office in Salford and has a further 50 employees in its field sales team.

The scheme is part of a wider package from Kellogg’s aimed at supporting employees’ mental and physical wellbeing.

Staff are offered in-house training to be able to support colleagues who may be struggling.

Chris Silcock, head of Kellogg’s UK, said: “We have a long history of offering flexible working and summer hours is a great way to encourage our people to take time away from their desks.”

By Press Association